Posts Tagged ‘Snow’

Helicopter Ears

Macie, our doeling, doing her best impression of a helicopter:

A bit faster, and she might get enough lift to take off!

As the snow melted in this  glorious sunny day, she and her brothers ventured out of the barn to frolic.  More pictures are on our facebook page.

They’re 11 days old today and growing quickly – the largest buck is 17.4 lbs, while the smallest is 14.8.

Trail Walk in the Snow

The snow doesn’t slow down the kids or the horses too much.  This is in the middle of our snowstorm today – probably 6-8″ at the time of the walk, and now we’re approaching one foot.  Now it’s time to go sledding!


Snow Goat


The kids made snowmen after Nemo last weekend… and decided it would be appropriate to add a snow goat.Snow Goat

Finding Nemo

Winter storm Nemo is just starting to arrive.  The ducks don’t seem to mind.

Like Snow off a Duck’s Back

Well, one of them might mind a little bit…

Captions are welcome in the comments section below.


First Snow 2012

They weren’t the first snowflakes we’ve seen this year, but the first real snow arrived today.  It’s been falling gently since this morning and we’re at about 3/4″ so far.  I know it won’t last through the week, but it’s peaceful and beautiful right now.  Here are a few pics from around the farm.

IMG_4503Not quite enough to cover the ground yet.

IMG_4504Boer goats aren’t especially fond of snow.

IMG_4505The ducks don’t seem to mind, however.

IMG_4506Zip is warm in his blanket – he’s hard to keep weight on.

IMG_4508Jasper, on the other hand, has a thick fleece of his own.

In Like a Lion…

It’s been pretty crazy-busy here at the Flying T (and at our other activities, including the professions that support them), and looking back I can see it’s been nearly three weeks since our last post.  It’s not that we didn’t have anything about which to write – we actually have a ton of material, especially after the superb New Hampshire Grazing Conference last weekend!  We simply haven’t had time to write.

Today, God gave us some time, in the form of a snowstorm that so far has dumped about 9″ on us and is still going strong!

The snow kept me from going to work, and meant that even though the snow provided some additional chores (plowing and shoveling), it also provided lots of time to do other things: Chores we’ve been putting off, completing our 2011 taxes, and of course… writing!  So, I thought about which of the multitude of topics I might write about, and then I saw this out my window:

I said to myself, “Self, this is not a day to spend writing about serious things.”  So, my wife and I put our winter chore clothes back on and headed out to play with the kids.  We even got some sledding runs in.

So, no “important” writing in the post today.  Instead, I’ll finish with some pics of the snowmen the girls put together for the goats and horses to snack on.

Early in the day, a small snowman for the Goats - hay hair, carrot face, alfalfa pellets in the ears.

Jasper's Snowman

Zip's Snowman

Jasper was VERY curious about what was going on in the pasture, and was eager to run out to see.

Zip was next down the chute

Wherever you are, I hope you also have some time to play with your kids!

October Snowstorm

The snow hit hard on Oct 29th.  We measured over 18″ of the white stuff.

From the balcony

"Yeah, it's snow. Now get down here and feed me!"


Mocha checking out the snow.

OK, this was staged.

We should get a couple more later on today.

Snow curling off the barn's roof

Jasper running in the pasture.

Kids making snowmen


Walking on the trail from the back pasture.

The last of the fall colors?

Red maple and Red oak leaves in the snow

One of the kids' snowmen and the back pasture

Pictures of our First Snow

Pics taken by our daughters of our first snow of the year:

Zip in his blanket.

Jasper loves the cold.

Zip (foreground) and Jasper.

Hugs and Kisses

Jessie thought the snow tasted great.

View out the back balcony.