Baby Goats Grow Quickly!

The baby goats are now 5 days old and growing quickly, already skipping around the barn (they’re saving their pasture skipping for when the snow melts).  We’ve posted more pics on our facebook page, but here are a couple of them:


5 responses to this post.

  1. Reblogged this on Donkey Whisperer Farm Blog and commented:
    Not a donkey but too cute not to share, made me smile! Hope this baby goat makes you smile to! GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged! Melody


  2. Re-blogged this baby goat is adorable! Thank you for sharing with us. Melody


  3. Adorable. Makes me miss farm animals!


  4. Awww, they are soo cute! 🙂


  5. Posted by Dave Perry on July 27, 2013 at 4:32 am

    Great pictures of the ranch.


Please feel free to comment or respond - we may take a bit to get back to you (between feeding animals, mucking stalls, mending fences, and chasing the goats out of the chicken coop again!)